Class ViewPortEffectEvent

  • public final class ViewPortEffectEvent
    extends ViewPortTileBaseEvent
    Fire this event to draw an effect on the tile grid, also relative to a composite entity (including animations)
    • Constructor Detail

      • ViewPortEffectEvent

        protected ViewPortEffectEvent()
      • ViewPortEffectEvent

        public ViewPortEffectEvent​(int ttl,
                                   DrawTileEffectRenderingBoEffects tileEffect,
                                   RgbaColor color,
                                   CoordI2 worldPos,
                                   CoordI2 entityPos,
                                   UUID compositeEntityId,
                                   List<CoordI2> coordinates,
                                   int customInt0,
                                   int customInt1,
                                   String customString0)
        Tile Effect
        worldPos - Optional. Either set worldPos...
        entityPos - Optional. ... or set entityPos + compositeEntityId
        compositeEntityId - Optional. Needed if entityPos is not null.
      • ViewPortEffectEvent

        public ViewPortEffectEvent​(int ttl,
                                   DrawEffectRenderingBoEffects effect,
                                   RgbaColor color,
                                   CoordI2 originWorldPos,
                                   CoordI2 originEntityPos,
                                   UUID originCompositeEntityId,
                                   List<CoordI2> coordinates,
                                   List<CoordI2> tiledCoordinates,
                                   List<CompositeIdAndPosition> entityCoordinates,
                                   List<CoordI2> worldCoordinates,
                                   int customInt0,
                                   double customDouble0)
        originWorldPos - Optional. Either set worldPos...
        originEntityPos - Optional. ... or set entityPos + compositeEntityId
        originCompositeEntityId - Optional. Needed if entityPos is not null.