Official Spacecraft Tactics Website

Scene editor


there has been a lot of development going on since my last video. All major features are now completed and the next step is to start developing the campaign.

As the last big subsystem I've now completed mod support including the possibility to write own mods in groovy programming language, and the official campaign will be developed as mod next.

One important and also cool feature to develop the campaign is the scene editor, which I want to show today. This editor is used to create all levels, but players can also create their own scenes and load them when hosting multi player games.

Video: Scene Editor, see External Links



I'm currently producing a lot of different assets as a preparation to start development of the campaign. Over the last few weeks I've mainly developed new weapon types which I want to show off today.

In the game there will be the following weapon types:

  • Lasers: Close-, medium- and wide ranged. Damage both shield and hull.
  • Ion weapons: Damage shield only but are good to quickly drain shield buffers.
  • Missiles: There are guided missiles and unguided torpedos in the game with different damage types and also a stealth variant.
  • EMP: Can disable systems and completely drain capacitors but is blocked by shield.
  • Tractor Beam: Useful to pull or push objects.

I've recorded a youtube video:

Video: Weapons, October 2019, see External Links




I've recorded a video showing the current status of AI development.

There are 2 major parts that need control:

  • Flying ships
  • Controlling crew members

The AI is controlling ships and crew members like a player does, so just issuing commands. This has the advantage that the AI does not cheat, looks realistic and can also automatically handle all additions to ship modules and other gameplay features. But it also means that for example I had to implement a real fly computer than just controlling where to move.

Video: AI, August 2019, see External Links


Matchmaking options

Following up my last post about the rework of the game lobby, this time I want to go into more detail which options a player has to start or join games.

1. Single player / Offline

The game can of course be played offline. Especially the campaign will be designed for that, although it can also be played online coop.

2. Locally hosted multiplayer game

Players can host their own custom games, including mods.

2.1 Embedded and dedicated servers

Embedded server is the easiest option, this just means the game server is already fully integrated into the game and can just be opened (listen) for incoming connections. This may require to set up proper port forwarding on the home router.

To make life easier, not only the port number is shown in the game lobby but there are also 2 extra buttons available:

  • Get my IP: Display the external IP address the game server will be available. To get the IP, a web request will be sent to our game services. The IP address the request came from will be returned.
  • Test connection: Our game services will try to connect to the game server to check whether everything is set up correctly and the game server is reachable from the outside.

There will be also a dedicated server shipped with the game that can run for example on a hosted Linux box.

2.2 Quick join code and game browsers

Game servers can be listed in an integrated game browser to find it easier. You have full control whether you want your game public listed or not.

Depending on how many games are listed in the game browser, it may still be hard for your friends to find your game. So another option to quickly connect to your game is to enter a quick join code. Based on that code the client will get your IP address and will be able to connect.

Another use case is to host a private game that can be only found on invitation - just send the code to your friends.

2.3 Changes during game

You already started a single player session and now a friend will join?
You forgot the quick join code?

No problem, you can change all important settings also while the game is already running:

3. Official game servers

The most convenient way to play the game online is to join on our official game servers.

There will be free sandbox games as well as scenarios available to join.

You will be also able to start custom multiplayer games on our official servers, but of course only with official mods.

Official game servers also provide the best protection against cheats, because we have full control what is running on these servers (e.g. mods).


Lobby and match making rework


besides of adding more gameplay features like first aid kits, reviving crew members and an overhaul of the fields system, during the last month I've concentrated on the match making system and the lobby.

Game modes can now define how many ship slots are available, whether players can freely join when game already started, whether ship is controlled by an AI, etc. . Every game now has a certain amount of ship slots available and players can freely join and leave, even if the game has already been started.

For example campaign game mode may have some fixed ship slots for players available and does not allow to add additional slots, add AI or change anything after the game has been started. On the other side, a free sandbox mode may let players join, add ships and also leave freely.

The game browser has also been enhanced and there will be a quick-join system where players just have to enter a code to join a session.

I've added 3 screenshots that show some screens of the new lobby.

The first screenshot shows the lobby from hosting player perspective, game has not been started yet. There have been 3 ship slots for players been set up, the other 3 slots are AI.

The second screenshot shows the same view from a joining player's perspective. The game has already been started and 5 out of 6 ships are already in game. The player has still the possibility to join ship 1 or open ship slot 3, load an own ship and join. Slot 2 is locked, so the player cannot join there.

Spaceship Editor


over the last months I've mainly developed the Spaceship Editor.

Creating own ships is an important feature of the game. In principle the whole game is built around engineering and constantly improving own ships, fly them and of course also use them in battles.

I've recorded a video on youtube that demonstrates how the ship editor works:

Video: Spaceship Editor, see External Links

Audio production started

Having music and sound effects in the game is as important as other key elements like graphics.

My demand on myself is to have everything produced myself. Luckily I used to play piano for 10 years and received a general musical education when I was younger.

So, after some years pause, I've fetched my small MIDI keyboard and my even smaller mixer from the bottom of my closet and started up the DAW (Sonar) I bought some years ago.

The picture shows my setup, editing the menu track.



Status September 2018

More and more modules and systems are coming together.

There are changes in every aspect of the game.

One cool thing is that I've now implemented entity automations - for example crew members can now automatically repair tiles.

Watch the latest video showing how a fight between spacecrafts can look like!

Video: Update September 2018, see External Links


Website launched!

My game is making more and more progress, so it's time to launch a website!

I will blog here about the implementation in the future.

There is already a development timeline available, which will also be enhanced over time:

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